We offer you up-to-date, evidence-based information about the practice of learning outdoors, teaching outside the classroom, nature-based environmental education, place based education and related topics.
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Das Handbuch bietet eine Fülle von Unterrichtsideen in der Natur und zwar für alle Fachbereiche im 1. und 2. Zyklus der Volksschule. Sämtliche Aktivitäten sind praxiserprobt, sorgfältig beschrieben und Lehrplan 21 relevant.
Weitere Informationen zum Handbuch «Draussen unterrichten – Das Handbuch für alle Fachbereiche»
Mehr zu / En savoir plus sur Sarah Wauquiez :
En savoir plus sur Nathalie Barras :
- Nathalie Barras chez SILVIVA
- l’Echappée Verte, projet de micro-ferme thérapeutique, auquel je collabore pour le volet EDD, c’est-à-dire participation des écoles au projet.
Mehr zu Martina Henzi:
Mehr zu Draussen unterrichten / En savoir plus sur l’enseigner dehors / Per saperne di più sull’insegnamento all’aria aperta :
- Karen Seierøe Barfod: personal research site: https://www.ucviden.dk/en/persons/karen-seierøe-barfod
- VIAs research site for the program for outdoor pedagogy: https://en.via.dk/research/pedagogy-and-education/outdoor-pedagogy
- Barfod, K., Mygind, E. (2022). Udeskole—Regular Teaching Outside the Classroom. In: Jucker, R., von Au, J. (eds) High-Quality Outdoor Learning. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04108-2_16
- “High-Quality Outdoor Learning. Evidence-based Education Outside the Classroom for Children, Teachers and Society”, published by SpringerNature in 2022 (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-04108-2). You can either download the entire book as a PDF or EPUB, you can download individual chapters or read them online.
- Jakob von Au: https://www.ph-heidelberg.de/biologie/personen/doktoranden/von-au
- Rolf Jucker: https://rolfjucker.net/wordpress/efs-writings/ and https://stage.silviva.ch/team/rolf/
- Further information on the volume «High-Quality Outdoor Learning – Evidence-based Education Outside the Classroom for Children, Teachers and Society» by Jakob von Au and Rolf Jucker is available here (open access): https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-04108-2
You can either download the entire book as a PDF or EPUB, you can download individual chapters or read them online.